Take It As Red

"Blogging is, by its very nature, erratic and irregular, feverish effort punctuated by random silence, a conundrum wrapped in a contradiction wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an unclosed em tag. " - The Poor Man

Friday, February 11


Welcome to the Fourth Reich

Apologies for the non-blogging this week, but I have been rather ill again. (I really could do with a laptop and a wireless base station so I can blog in bed ... but fat chance.) Anyway, on with the posting.

This one comes courtesy of Jesus' General, and is an account by a prowar Republican who is shocked, Shocked! I tell you (why?) that his local church has become a military-religious recruiting station. It seems to be the banners that bother him most. Take a look and you'll see why.

Are they by any chance related? I think we should be told...

And just to pound the point home, here's this wonderful post from Billmon at the Whiskey Bar

Credit Where Credit is Due

"I think it's my duty to listen to Rush. I think Rush has actually yet to get the credit he is due because his audience for so many years felt they were in the wilderness of this country. No one was talking to them. I think Rush helped to give birth to a movement. I think he played his part in the contract with America. So I hope he gets his due as a broadcaster."

NBC News Anchor Brian Williams
C-SPAN Interview
December 26, 2004

"I think it's my duty to listen to Adolph. I think Adolph has actually yet to get the credit he is due because his audience for so many years felt they were in the wilderness of this country. No one was talking to them. I think Adolph helped to give birth to a movement. I think he played his part in the contract with Germany. So I hope he gets his due as a broadcaster."

Deutsche Radio News Anchor Bruno Villams
Völkischer Beobachter Interview
December 26, 1934

Posted by billmon at 06:11 PM

Heh. And indeed.



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