Monday, January 24Spoiling the Ship For A Ha'porth of Tar
From today's Independent:
One lousy billion. That's all. Look over to the left and you'll see the current cost of the war on Iraq, currently standing at well over 150 billion dollars and accelerating rapidly. Which of these federal outlays does more good for the world's long-term knowledge and progress? This? Or maybe This?
I can hardly bear to look at that first picture. That poor boy, covered in blood in his Man U hat, looks eerily like my son. Maybe that's a good thing: that day that we can look at these horrific images and say 'that's my son' or 'that's my daughter' maybe that feeling of utter horror and grief will impel us to stop this illegal and inhuman war. But looking at this, somehow, I doubt it. To Mars, Bitches! ( and don't forget the munitions) |
11/28/2004 - 12/05/2004 |